A Place to Call "Home" and a WelcomeBack Plan

Memories and Digital data are Fleeting. Part 1

想い出とデジタルデータは儚いものだ。Part 1





Memories and digital data are Fleeting. Part 1

In Japan, or any civilized nation on earth, is no stranger to what happened after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster.

Since that, various major disasters have continued to occur throughout Japan. In particular, flooding, wind damage, landslides, and fires pose an extremely high risk of robbing us of our precious memories.

That is why we need to be creative in our daily lives to protect our memories and make some changes in our lives. This is what I have been doing in my photography business.

In this respect, I believe that the news media, which are often derided as mass-gomi (means mass-trash) are fulfilling their responsibility by continuing to sound the alarm to people.

Nevertheless, I am now on the verge of resignation, having been deeply reminded over the past decade that many people do not learn from other people's misfortunes, do not reflect, and avoid change, and that human beings are so foolish.

I think it was better when we were operating in Tohoku. The importance of the project itself was widely recognized in the local community...I believe. At least, I had a sense that I was at the starting point.

However, even after returning to Kansai-area and claiming to be "independent in Minami-Sanriku after the Great East Japan Earthquake," I no longer receive much sympathy or interest in my knowledge in Tohoku, which is an overwhelming strategic setback, and I secretly despair.

Furthermore, with the recent reports of web services being shut down one after another, the situation of massive loss of "common property" content accumulated over the years has begun in earnest.

In addition, CDs that were claimed to be "semi-permanent" are no longer readable due to deterioration over time, while records can still be listened to...and so on. I was astonished at this.

Even CDs, which are structurally simple and safety, have a minimum life span of 30 years, which is actually very bad.

If CDs are no good, then discs whose readable surfaces have been polished in second-hand stores, for example, are even less durable, and CD-Rs and DVD-Rs, which have a thin coating to begin with, should not be expected to last either.

I have delivered photo data on DVD-Rs to countless clients for whom I have taken wedding and family photos, and there is a danger that they will become useless in another 10 to 20 years. 

The only way to defend against this is to continue to copy the media by the time, but today's PCs do not come standard with disk drives.

In short, without electricity and a reading & viewing device, digital data is nothing as materials. It is the same phantom as uncertain images in our brain.